Finite element analysis is computerized numerical method to perform design analysis to check for the structural integrity of the product to a given load.

Gone are the days when mechanical calculations meant conventional hand calculations or spreadsheets. During recent years AMACS has been making a steady transition to FEA (Finite Element Analysis) to adapt to current times. FEA uses FEM (Finite Element Method) which is the most widely used method in solving engineering problems. With the latest technology and in depth understanding of process forces, loads and industry best practices on our products we have accomplished several engineering projects and concepts using this method.

Though we are in early stages our vision is to become a one stop solution provider for all mechanical integrity needs through this method. Many times, FEA analysis is preceded by Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) to get the load inputs and pressure variations. We also have partnerships with industry CFD and FEA giants for complex analysis or third-party evaluations as requested by our customers.

Some of the type of analyses we have performed and in pipeline are:

  • Static analysis
  • Modal analysis
  • Vibrational analysis
  • Flow induced vibration analysis
  • Thermal expansion analysis
  • Buckling analysis
  • Frictional resistance analysis